"I'm somebody to some... And somebody else to others" J.D.Michaels (TM)
"I'm somebody to some... And somebody else to others" J.D.Michaels (TM)
For me... "Words are the weapons of leadership. They can cut like a two-edged sword... Or be as soft as the sweet seductiveness of compassion."
To me... " Trust is Fragile." Underwater, deep blue ocean. A giant whale struggles as he is tangled in thick rope. A scuba diver swims cautiously toward it, knife in hand. The diver gently cuts the rope, freeing the whale. The whale watches him, its massive eye filled with understanding and calm. The diver waves at the whale as he starts swimming towards the surface.
As the diver ascends, the whale follows. Suddenly, it moves faster, opening its massive mouth. The diver turns too late. The whale swallows him, leading to his death. [Moral of the story] "Trust is really hard for some to understand. So, never expect it. And never take it for granted."
Joseph David Michaels: is a writer of storytelling made to grip the mind with thoughts through realities. From illusions to fruition. To be able to "SEE."
First, I would like to thank you for visiting my site.
What inspires me most is life itself. We should not be just living and breathing, aging and leaving, without fulfilling a purpose. Your legacy. There's nothing more rewarding than to have left ventures for others to continue to realize. That's why, if you didn't know ones who have left their lives' purpose in writing and have long since passed from this life, you would think they were still alive today. You know them. We remember them. We talk about them, despite how much time has passed. It is the words of their thoughts that keep them alive. That will keep you and I alive. They say pictures are worth a thousand words. For me, words are worth a thousand lifetimes. You do not have to see it to understand it's so. There are many giants hidden in the so-called little guys. They only need an outlet to be discovered. That's where my information comes in. JDM STORYTELLING. It's the what, the how, and the why,
I do it.
"To bring to light the brightness hidden by a dark universal mindset."
"In Progress"